Numer produktu: 50849
GTIN/EAN: 4250390804146
21,49 €
Über 30 lieferbar.
Natychmiast dostępny, czas dostawy 2 - 3 days(1)
• 26.16 mm (¾″)
• For 10″ filter cartridges
• 5 µ sediment filter
Informacje dot. produktu "Naturewater 26,16 mm (3/4") 1-stopniowy filtr wody"
Naturewater 3/4 inch – 19,05 mm 1-stage water filter
This water filter system was specially designed for making useable slightly contaminated drinking water in a quick and easy way.
The water filter is inexpensive and easy to assemble and handle. Moreover, our filtering system tops considerably in quality, filtering capacity, and price in comparison with other similar products that are offered on the market.
This filter unit is, dependant on the filter inserts, the best solution concerning water impurities.
The filter system offered here is delivered with a 5-µ sediment filter insert, which removes reliably sand, rust, algae, and other floating particles from the water.
The water filter cartridge is used as additive to the used activated carbon block filter cartridge.
The third filter stage consists of an activated carbon block filter cartrige which cleans your drinking water from ozone, pesticide, rust, lime floating particles, and chlorine and reduces heavy metal concentration like lead and copper.
Of course, the 10″ filter inserts (254 mm) can be replaced by other materials according to demand.
The water filter neither has any RO membrane (reverse osmosis) nor an ion exchanger.
This means that the natural mineral content (which is vital to life) is largely maintained and the water hardness only affected in a small extent.
Sediment filtration 5 µ
Sediment particles like sand, algae, and rust are removed.
Filtration of toxic substances
With the help of a filter cartridge made of pressed activated carbon, you can remove a large part of the toxins from the water, e.g., ozone, pesticide, rust, calcium carbonate particles, chlorine. The values for heavy metal concentration like lead, copper, etc. are extremely reduced. In addition, the activated carbon decolourises the water if there are yellow or brown turbidities. Furthermore the activated carbon removes odours.
Ultrafilter membrane
It filters all particles > 0,22 µ (0,00022 mm) in the water. This stage removes again remaining germs, protozoa, algae, spore, etc. (In normal store difficult to find but used in the industry for the purification of mineral water. Ultrafilter are also used for drinking water purification in disaster areas, for instance by German THW.)
PI activated carbon filter “Gourmet”
Made of high-quality granular coconut activated carbon with large surface, this filter removes unpleasant smelling and tasting substances, leaving a pure refreshing water.
The product/filters are equipped with locking caps or/and shrink-wrapped.
Therefore, the product has no best-before date (expiry date). Correspondingly, you can store this product without loss of quality.
This water filter system was specially designed for making useable slightly contaminated drinking water in a quick and easy way.
The water filter is inexpensive and easy to assemble and handle. Moreover, our filtering system tops considerably in quality, filtering capacity, and price in comparison with other similar products that are offered on the market.
This filter unit is, dependant on the filter inserts, the best solution concerning water impurities.
The filter system offered here is delivered with a 5-µ sediment filter insert, which removes reliably sand, rust, algae, and other floating particles from the water.
The water filter cartridge is used as additive to the used activated carbon block filter cartridge.
The third filter stage consists of an activated carbon block filter cartrige which cleans your drinking water from ozone, pesticide, rust, lime floating particles, and chlorine and reduces heavy metal concentration like lead and copper.
Of course, the 10″ filter inserts (254 mm) can be replaced by other materials according to demand.
The water filter neither has any RO membrane (reverse osmosis) nor an ion exchanger.
This means that the natural mineral content (which is vital to life) is largely maintained and the water hardness only affected in a small extent.
Sediment filtration 5 µ
Sediment particles like sand, algae, and rust are removed.
Filtration of toxic substances
With the help of a filter cartridge made of pressed activated carbon, you can remove a large part of the toxins from the water, e.g., ozone, pesticide, rust, calcium carbonate particles, chlorine. The values for heavy metal concentration like lead, copper, etc. are extremely reduced. In addition, the activated carbon decolourises the water if there are yellow or brown turbidities. Furthermore the activated carbon removes odours.
Ultrafilter membrane
It filters all particles > 0,22 µ (0,00022 mm) in the water. This stage removes again remaining germs, protozoa, algae, spore, etc. (In normal store difficult to find but used in the industry for the purification of mineral water. Ultrafilter are also used for drinking water purification in disaster areas, for instance by German THW.)
PI activated carbon filter “Gourmet”
Made of high-quality granular coconut activated carbon with large surface, this filter removes unpleasant smelling and tasting substances, leaving a pure refreshing water.
The product/filters are equipped with locking caps or/and shrink-wrapped.
Therefore, the product has no best-before date (expiry date). Correspondingly, you can store this product without loss of quality.
Ciśnienie robocze: | 5.5 Bar |
Dokładny typ produktu: | filtr osadu |
Druck: | Betriebsdruck: 5,5 bar Max. Druck: 9 bar |
Filterstufen (kompatibel, nicht enthalten): | Aktivkohle Block CTO-10B 5µ (Artikel 50825), Granulat Aktivkohlefilter UDF-10A (Artikel 50827), Harz-Filterkartusche RS-10D (Artikel 50822), Keramik Filterglocke CRM-5A (Artikel 50838), Keramikkartusche CRM-1A 0,5µ (Artikel 50824), Sedimentfilter PP-10A 5µ (Artikel 50820) |
Gehäusegröße / passend für: | 10" (254 mm) / Ø 62mm |
Główny materiał: | polipropylen (PP) / politereftalan etylenu (PET) |
Ilość stopni filtracji: | 1-stopniowy |
Kolor: | niebieski |
Maks. ciśnienie (bar): | 9 Bar |
Maks. temperatura: | 42 °C |
Min. temperatura: | 4 °C |
Modell: | NW-BR10F |
Przepuszczalność filtra: | 5 µm |
Przepływ (l/h): | 600 LITER |
Przyłącze węża: | 2 x mosiądz GW 26,16 mm (¾") |
Rodzaj produktu: | filtr wody |
Rozmiar wkładu filtrującego: | 10" (254 mm) |
Stopień filtracji 1: | [50820] Naturewater 10" - 254mm 5µ filtr osadu PP |
Technika filtracji: | osad, polipropylen |
Typ montażu: | montaż naścienny, podblatowy |
Usuwanie zanieczyszczeń: | azbest, cząstki wapnia, osady |
Wymagana bateria: | Nie |
Wymiary: | 135 x 135 x 330 mm |
Zawartość przesyłki: | Naturewater Klucz filtra pierścienia PP duży, [artykuł 50820] Naturewater 10"- 254 mm 5µ wkład filtra osadu PP, zestaw montażowy |
Instrukcje bezpieczeństwa
Ogólne wskazówki
- Filtr do wody należy używać wyłącznie do uzdatniania wody pitnej zgodnie ze specyfikacjami technicznymi. Nie nadaje się do filtrowania cieczy zanieczyszczonych chemicznie.
- Nie przekraczać maksymalnego dopuszczalnego ciśnienia wody. W razie potrzeby użyj reduktora ciśnienia.
- Wymieniaj elementy filtrujące zgodnie z instrukcjami producenta, aby zapewnić odpowiednią jakość wody i zapobiec zatykaniu.
- System należy regularnie czyścić i dezynfekować zgodnie z instrukcjami zawartymi w instrukcji obsługi.
- Chronić system przed mrozem, ponieważ zamarznięta woda może uszkodzić komponenty.
- WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH
- Königsbenden 12
- 52249 Eschweiler
- DE